News Archive: December 2016
Numbers of sites seeking certification growing
The number of sites which have registered as seeking AWS certification is steadily growing. We currently have 27 sites registered in 13 countries. This includes a significant commitment to AWS certification from Nestle Waters who have 17 sites in 10 countries currently registered.
New report on the evolution of water stewardship
A new report on water stewardship has been published by IUCN and ODI. Water management and stewardship: taking stock of corporate water behavior. The report, which was presented by co-author Peter Newborne at the Global Water Stewardship Forum, contains insights from companies engaged in water stewardship and examines how water stewardship contributes to integrated water resources management. To download the report please visit the IUCN website.
News from Asia Pacific
Aboriginal Water Highlighted at Water Stewardship Australia AGM
Aboriginal water access and cultural water remain major challenges despite progress over the past decade, members and guests were told at this year’s Water Stewardship Oration that followed the WSA Annual General Meeting. Brad Moggridge, from the Kamilaroi Nation in North Western New South Wales and a lead thinker on cultural water, delivered the Oration to about 50 people from business, government and non-government organisations. A video of Brad’s speech is available on the WSA website. For further info, please contact: megan@waterstewardship.org.au
Vietnam Water Hot Spot
WSA collaborated with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and WWF Greater Mekong recently to hold a workshop in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on water stewardship and its potential to help address regional water problems. The meeting discussed problems of pollution, nutrients and sediments entering the river, lower fish catch, bank erosion and a changing river course. Industrial development along the Mekong will be a major influence on water in the Delta. The meeting expressed a strong interest in developing water stewardship demonstration sites in the region and the three partners – VCCI, WWF and AWS – agreed to collaborate on developing a project. For more information, please contact zhenzhen@waterstewardship.org.au
First Water Stewardship China Network Preparation Meeting Held in Changzhou
In preparation for the formal launch of Water Stewardship China Network (WSCN) in 2017, the first founding member meeting was held on December 5 in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province during the 2nd Taihu Forum. 24 representatives from 20 organizations, including international and local NGOs, government and business, attended the meeting. Recent update on AWS global forum, vision and mission of WSCN and priorities of WSCN in 2017 were discussed. The network is planned to formally launch in 2017, for more information and express of interest, please contact zhenzhen@waterstewardship.org.au
Engagement with Major Water User in TEDA
On December 7th, TEDA Eco-Center, Alliance for Water Stewardship, and the Tianjin Development Zone Water Saving Office jointly organized a seminar on Sustainable Water in Industrial Park. Our Chair and Regional Director for Asia Pacific, Michael Spencer and Zhenzhen X, and experts from TEDA Eco-Center, discussed with more than 40 delegates from major water using enterprises and institutions on water challenges in TEDA area and Hai Basin and the need for all major water users to collaborate for action. This seminar one of the series activities of the TEDA Industrial Park Water Stewardship Demonstration Project. For more information, please contact zhenzhen@waterstewardship.org.au
News from Africa
Kenyan water leaders show strong appetite for training on the AWS Standard
Lake Naivasha, was the venue for a 25 strong group of Kenyan water leaders from Business, Government & Civil Society who completed 3 intense days of Foundation, Advanced & Specialist Training on the AWS Standard. The group was convened by GIZ’s International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) working closely with the Kenyan National Cleaner Production Centre. This brings to 118 the number of African water leaders trained on the AWS Standard System in the past year.
Water Stewardship Policy Development by government in South Africa
The South African government’s Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is working, inter alia, with AWS; WWF-SA; the International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) and the Evidence-Informed Policy Team at the University of Johannesburg, to develop a Water Stewardship Policy. In addition, through attending training courses on the AWS Standard, DWS personnel are developing capacity to support water related governance. Water stewardship approaches are emerging strongly in the country, which shares its river systems with all 6 of its neighbouring countries. In addition, climate variability, low rainfall, climate change and large rural poor populations combine to make Southern Africa a high risk water region and one in which water stewardship policies and actions are imperative.
New Board and Technical Committee elected at first AGM
Following the Global Water Stewardship Forum we held our first AGM of AWS members on November 3rd in Edinburgh. Some of the highlights from the AGM were:
- Election of a new Board and Technical Committee (see below)
- Approval of proposals on governance and membership (see details of membership fees for 2017)
- Presentation of the Standard review and revision procedure
- Establishment of a working group on the use of AWS marks in recognition of their support for AWS or compliance with the AWS Standard
Board members elected at the AGM are
- Michael Spencer (Chair)
- Ed Pinero (vice Chair)
- Chris Brown (interim treasurer)
- Kemi Seesink
- Nick Hepworth
- Alexis Morgan
- Barry Clarke
Technical Committee members elected at the AGM are
Alasdair McGregor (Exova BMTrada), Thomas C. Annear, Jeremy Dufour (Olam), Carlo Galli (Nestle), Professor John Langford (University of Melbourne), Xue Bai (China National Institute of Standards), Tyler Farrow (Water Witness International, Sanjib Bezbaroa (ITC Ltd.), Peter Easton (Easton Consult), Dr. Brigitte Dittrich-Krämer (BASF), Fallight Xu (TUV Rheinland), Dr.Howard Dryden (Dryden Aqua), Laura Kowalski (Sheahen) (Ecolab), Elizabeth Soal (Waitaki Irrigators Collective), Dale K. Phenicie (Council of Great Lakes Industries), Nicole Tanner (WWF), Ruth Mathews
(Water Footprint Network) and Helen Murdoch (Goulburn-Broken Catchment Management Authority).
News from South Asia
The India Water Stewardship Network convenes seminar of SDGs
The India Water Stewardship Network (IWSN) convened an important session at the recent India and Sustainability Standards Conference in New Delhi. This event provided a rich and fruitful discussion on water stewardship’s potential to support Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) delivery in India. Issues of politics/Politics, ownership, village-level institutions, and documenting case studies were highlighted as key to a holistic approach to achieve SDG6 in the Indian context.
Collaboration was a thread running throughout this discussion, taken forward explicitly in the second half of the seminar on the potential of water stewardship to support the multi-stakeholder partnerships needed for SDG17. Three key outcomes of this conversation were:
a) The need for AWS to act as a neutral platform to connect what are often sectoral-specific interests or initiatives
b) Identification of important public sector bodies to engage, e.g. the Forestry Department
c) The role for AWS/IWSN as a platform to ensure the communication of case studies.
Reimagining Water for Public Good
AWS Founding Partner Hindustan Unilever Foundation has launched a new report “Reimagining Water for Public Good”, highlighting how HUF initiatives have helped make a larger economic, environmental and social difference through water conservation. Access the report here: Reimagining Water – Summary Report – PDF Version.
Six South Asian sites pursuing AWS certification
Four sites in Pakistan (three Nestle sites and one Archroma site) and two ITC sites in India are now registered as pursuing AWS certification.
News from North America
AWS North America Joins a Partnership to Launch a New Water Technology Commercialization Institute
The Water Council, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, launched a commercialization initiative that will match manufacturers, utilities, and the agricultural industry with promising water and water-related technology research and innovations for advancement into the marketplace. As part of an expansion of The Water Council, the ICE (Innovation Commercialization Exchange) Institute will aggregate, evaluate, and connect emerging technologies that address water issues across a wide range of industries.
Working in partnership with the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC), Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and Alliance for Water Stewardship – North America, the ICE Institute will serve as a technology-vetting program, providing:
- Access to a broad spectrum of innovations within federal and university research labs;
- A nationwide scouting team to identify emerging technologies and processes;
- A detailed database and clearinghouse of pre-screened innovations powered by the Global Water Port, a web-based research and data dashboard, allowing members to evaluate options applicable to their specific needs; and
- Product matching and development teams to connect users to promising technologies to advance to market.
For more information on the ICE Institute, please visit: http://thewatercouncil.com/programs/ice-institute/