
Comments, complaints, and appeals

AWS commits to impartial, consistent, and diligent processes for receiving and responding to comments, complaints, and appeals.

Before you decide to submit a comment, complaint, or appeal, AWS encourages you to take part in our certification process by having your say as a stakeholder.

If you haven’t already, consider engaging as a stakeholder and providing your input.

What are comments, complaints, and appeals?

Your comments on the AWS standard, systems, and processes are important feedback for our team. Please keep your comments constructive and, where possible, provide your contact information so that we can respond directly to you.

If you are submitting a complaint, please focus your concerns on either AWS or on an AWS Service Provider (auditor, consultant, or trainer) and provide evidence to support your claims.

You can view the status of current and past complaints in our case tracker. Link to the case tracker page.

If you are appealing a decision made by AWS or a Service Provider, please note that appeals are limited to complaint decisions and accreditation decisions and must include evidence to support your claims.

For complete information, please see the AWS Comments, Complaints and Appeals Procedure  and the AWS Glossary of Terms.


What submissions will AWS accept?

AWS will accept:

Comments and complaints related to:

  • AWS Assets
  • AWS Standard
  • AWS assurance procedures and approvals process
  • AWS Standard development and revision process
  • AWS governance, staff, policies, or procedures
  • The performance of a service provider

Appeals related to:

  • Accreditation decisions taken by AWS (services providers only)
  • The outcome of a complaint process by a service provider or by AWS

AWS will not accept:

  • Contractual disputes between accredited service providers and their clients. Accredited services providers have their own complaints and appeals procedures for receiving your concerns.
  • Appeals on decisions that were made by the AWS Board.

How do I submit a comment, complaint or appeal?

Please use the online submission form. Please make sure that you fill in all appropriate fields and that you upload supporting evidence. Anonymous and confidential submissions may be accepted as long as you have strong evidence for your claims. Let us know if you need help with your submission.

How do I submit a complaint about an AWS service provider and/or site?

If your comment or complaint is about a service provider or a certified, self-verified, or registered site, you can submit it to AWS through our online form. We will forward your concerns to the service provider for processing through their dispute mechanism. If you are unsatisfied with their response you can appeal to AWS.

Who can submit an appeal?

Only AWS Service Providers can submit appeals regarding AWS accreditation decisions. Complainants can submit appeals regarding AWS complaint decisions or the complaint decisions taken by Service Providers.

What is AWS’s timeline for processing a complaint or appeal?

AWS will acknowledge receipt of your submission within 5 – 10 business days, depending on the complaint or appeal.

Within 60 calendar days, AWS will respond with a proposed resolution.

How can I get more information about a comment, complaint, or appeal?

Please see our case tracker for basic information on complaints. If you are party to a current process and would like an update, please email us. After the process is complete, AWS will share the decision with the parties. A public summary of the decision is also available upon request to other relevant interested parties, barring confidential information.

HELP! Contact us by email or phone to:

  • Record your complaint verbally
  • Designate a representative or advisor to assist you
  • Request a translation of the procedure
  • Get help submitting your complaint or comment to an AWS accredited service provider