
The AWS Board is a skills-based board who collectively have the skills, knowledge and experience to effectively govern and direct the organisation.

Our Board members (Trustees) are elected by our members and are responsible for:

  • Developing and approving the AWS strategic plan, in conjunction with the CEO
  • Financial oversight of the organisation and ensuring that AWS is able to meet its financial obligations
  • Ensuring management identifies the principal financial and non-financial risks of the organisation, and implements appropriate systems and programs to manage these risks
  • Developing policies and procedures related to good governance
  • Appointing, setting the remuneration and monitoring the performance of the CEO
  • General oversight to ensure the organisation is managed in a prudent and responsible manner in line with its fiduciary responsibilities, values and principles of good governance

Trustees do not represent either their employer’s or sector’s interest, rather they are required to further the interests of AWS SCIO.

This structure was adopted on the incorporation of AWS SCIO to ensure access to the diverse skill set needed to support organizational management and development. Separation of stakeholder interests from day-to-day management of the organization is guided by lessons learned from peer organizations and the advice of highly experienced experts.

The AWS Technical Committee is the primary body responsible for providing balanced stakeholder oversight of matters relating to the integrity and quality control of the water stewardship system on behalf of members.

Our current Board Members are:


Paul Griss

Board Chair

Michael Alexander


Ursula Antúnez De Mayolo Corzo


Alexandra Frank


Jens Hoenerhoff


Rijit Sengupta


Kathleen Shaver

Deputy Chair & Treasurer

Pablo Bereciartua


James Dalton


Martin Ginster


Renata Scofield


Elaine Shelford Mead