
Report: In it together

Alliance for Water Stewardship / Report: In it together

In it together: How the AWS Standard and NPWI ambition support your corporate water stewardship journey

A new report by AWS and CEO Water Mandate

‘In it together: How the AWS Standard and NPWI ambition support your corporate water stewardship journey,’ a new report by the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) and the CEO Water Mandate, a partnership between the United Nations Global Compact and the Pacific Institute, sets out the complementarities between the NPWI ambition and the AWS Standard and highlights opportunities for companies to leverage one initiative to strengthen the other.

In it together: How the AWS Standard and NPWI ambition support your corporate water stewardship journey

Report cover for 'In it together: How the AWS Standard and NPWI ambition support your corporate water stewardship journey

Useful links from AWS and the CEO Water Mandate

There are several tools, resources and initiatives that AWS and the CEO Water Mandate provide to support you with your water stewardship journey.

For any questions regarding these resources and others that may be applicable, please reach out to AWS and/ or the CEO Water Mandate.