AWS Specialist Training Program: March 30, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Gaining professional accreditation to the AWS Standard for Trainers, Consultants, and Auditors
An AWS accredited training program for sustainability and water management professionals & specialist service providers
This Training Program is a one-day course for people seeking accreditation as AWS accredited auditors, consultants and trainers. It will review the case study examined in the Advanced Training Program from an auditor’s perspective, examine the requirements of the AWS verification processes and, examine the value proposition for water stewardship compliance and the business case for water stewardship.
Download for more details on Specialist Training
The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS)
AWS is a multi-stakeholder organization dedicated to enhancing water stewardship capacity, and guiding, incentivizing and differentiating responsible water use. AWS employs three mutually-reinforcing programs to drive improved water stewardship: a standard and verification system, membership of a multi-stakeholder association, and training. Together, these programs are designed to build capacity and provide a forum through which knowledge on water stewardship can be generated, accessed and shared, helping us to address our shared water challenges. At the heart of all three programs is the stakeholder-endorsed AWS Standard.
The AWS Standard
The International Water Stewardship Standard (the “AWS Standard”) is designed to support, recognize and reward collaborative efforts to manage shared water challenges while providing a strategic framework for companies to better manage water resources and associated costs and risks. The AWS Standard drives transparency and credibility through a stakeholder-endorsed framework built around four outcomes of water stewardship:
- Good Water Governance
- Sustainable Water Balance
- Good Water Quality
- Healthy Status of Important Water Related Areas
Program Objectives
The AWS Specialist Training Program will: – Equip specialist service providers with a deeper knowledge of the application of the water stewardship system to water using sites; – Provide potential specialist service providers with an understanding of the AWS verification system and its requirements; – Provide potential specialist service providers with an understanding of the AWS accreditation program and its requirements; and – Support specialist service providers in developing a business case to market their services to business and organisations likely to engage with water stewardship.
Who should attend?
- Organizations and individuals interested in providing specialist services to water using sites as AWS accredited auditors, consultants or trainers.
Program Format
This is an all-day program for up to 15 participants using online material and documents emailed to participants. Participants will be expected to contribute to small group discussion as the class works through components of the course. At the conclusion of the course participants will undertake a written examination. Those who pass will be eligible to provide an expression of interest in becoming an accredited an auditor, consultant or trainer (unless previously submitted). Satisfactory completion of this course is a pre-requisite to AWS accreditation.
The course reviews the case study examined during the Advanced Training Program in the AWS Standard and introduces the AWS evaluation matrix. Participants are asked to evaluate the case study as auditors undertaking a pre-certification evaluation. The course then looks more closely at the requirements of the AWS verification system; requirements for accreditation and requirements for auditors. Key documents are reviewed. The course concludes looking at the value proposition for business to engage in the water stewardship and some key issues around marketing water stewardship to clients.
Participants will need to have completed the Foundation and Advanced Training Programs in the AWS Standard before undertaking this course.
Accreditation and Intellectual Property
This program is based on implementation of the AWS International Water Stewardship Standard, a standard owned by the international Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS). This course is accredited and recognised by AWS as meeting the Level 3 requirements for professionals seeking accreditation as an AWS accredited auditor, consultant or trainer.
Cost and Registration
Cost per participant will be $450.00. This includes course material, lunch and refreshments. Travel or accommodation costs are not included. Reductions are available for non-profit organizations and for individuals attending the first two days of training (Foundations of Water Stewardship). See registration site for additional pricing information.
Contact AWS North America for more information:
(414) 988-8749
Venue and Logistics
Global Water Center
1 st Floor Auditorium
247 W. Freshwater Way
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Free onsite parking is available.